What You Should Do After You Move

December 1, 2022 |
ben@major-agency.com |

Once Finest Fellas Moving & Storage completes your move and you are physically in your new home, there is a lot of unpacking and organizing to do.

There are also a bunch of things you will want to handle fairly quickly. Here’s a quick checklist:

Change Your Locks

You’re the homeowner now, not the previous people that lived there. The last thing you want is unwanted guests walking in. You have no idea who has keys to the home and to play it safe, hire a locksmith and have those locks changed immediately.

Install or Update an Alarm System

Just because you did a ton of research on your new neighborhood doesn’t mean there aren’t break-ins. If an alarm system is installed in the home, it is important to update the codes and passwords. If there isn’t one, installing one will give you peace of mind. It may also help with getting a deduction in your homeowners’ insurance.

Check all your Smoke Detectors

You have no idea if the batteries are working in the home’s smoke detectors and definitely don’t want to chance it. As soon as you can, test them and update them with fresh batteries. It truly can be a lifesaver.

Update Your Documentation and Mailing Address info

This should include your credit card statements, utility bills, and other legal information. While you can forward your mail, it will most likely delay everything and the faster you can update your address everywhere the less likely things can get missed especially bills.

Finest Fellas Moving & Storage congratulates you on your new home and a fresh start. We will do everything in our power to make the move as less-stressful and enjoyable as possible.

For a quote contact us at 877-921-1200 or visit FinestFellasMoving.com

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