How To Get Organized For Your Move

December 22, 2022 | |
Color Coding Boxes

Ah moving! We are sure you would probably want to do anything other than prepare for it. It is though a necessity at times and in most cases for the better.

But for a move to truly be successful, you will want to get organized. Without it could be a logistics nightmare.

So, what are a few ways to get organized for the big move? Here are some quick tips:

Take Advantage of Technology

There are many apps and websites that can assist in various ways with your move. For example, the app OfferUp is an easy tool to get rid of stuff you aren’t taking with you. Plus, you can make a few extra bucks from it. Sortly is another useful app. With it, you can create a visual inventory of all your belongings with photos, tags, and notes which could come in very handy during a move.

The Spectrum of the Rainbow Will Keep Rooms Organized

Color coding your moving boxes to a corresponding room will help you and your movers know where to place items when unloading boxes from the truck. Blue could mean it’s for your bedroom and yellow could mean it’s for the kitchen. You can do this with simple colored markers or colored tape, sold at all major retailers.

Utility Phone Numbers Should Be Kept Handy

Whether saved on your phone or written on a notepad it will be good to have a list of all the utility companies for your new residence. This should include numbers for the electric, water, and cable companies as well as other specific companies you plan on using such as an alarm company and even a landscaper. It will be a life-saver down the road.

Moving can be a very stressful endeavor. That’s why organization is critical. It will help you breathe much easier.

You can also hire a company like Finest Fellas Moving & Storage. We can make the move even less stressful by doing all the packing and unpacking for you. Learn more and get a quote by dialing 877-921-1200.

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