Ways To Prepare Your Kids For A Move

February 15, 2023 |
ben@major-agency.com |
Preparing kids for a move

Moving is stressful for adults. Times that by 100% when it comes to kids and teenagers. That’s because children for the most part are “creatures of habit” and may at times only be used to the one home they have lived in for their entire life. This emotional toll can become even harder when they realize they have no control over the situation.

So as a parent or guardian, here are a few ways you can make the process and transition easier for them:

  • Don’t break the news about the move last minute. Instead, discuss it with the kids as early as possible. Telling them the information early on in the process will make them feel involved and not left out.

  • Remind them as much as possible about the move and always keep it positive. Whether that means their favorite toys will be coming with them or that something exciting is nearby where they are moving to, by getting kids into a positive mindset about the move will make the transition much more seamless.

  • Frame it as a “see you later” and not “goodbye” when they begin to tell their friends. This will allow them to not worry that they will never see them again. Plus, remind them with various technology and social media, they still will be able to connect with them even though they may not be that close physically.

Positivity is key to a successful move for any child or teen. The more of that you can provide the better the process will be. For additional questions and tips on how to make your move the most seamless for all involved and to get a moving quote, contact Finest Fellas Moving & Storage at 877-921-1200.

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