Packing Clothes For Your Move

February 8, 2023 | |
Packing Clothes

While you may think that packing a kitchen is the hardest thing to do when packing for a move, packing clothes may be even more stressful and is usually left to the last possible minute.

Waiting till the last minute usually means clothes are just thrown and stuffed into moving boxes and probably not unpacked for weeks.

So, what can you do beforehand to make packing of clothing more pleasant? Here are a few tips:

You don’t need to take everything

Packing up a home and moving to another is a great time to declutter and decide what items you want to take and what items you get rid of or donate. As a good rule of thumb, only keep clothes that were worn in the past year and still fit. You should also keep clothing items that have sentimental value. Everything else should be donated or trashed.

Choose the right packing method  

Not all clothes should just be folded and stuffed into a box. Some can be but others need different handling. For example, you will want to use wardrobe boxes for packing clothes that are on hangers and sit in a closet. This will make unpacking so much easier when you move to your new place.

Pack your shoes properly

Shoes may be ideal for suitcases and duffel bags but in transit, they potentially could lose their shape and get damaged. To avoid this, try stuffing shoes with packing paper, wash clothes or socks. This will help the shoes keep their shape during the move. For more elegant types of shoes that can scratch or get scuffed easily, wrap them using packing paper. This will help minimize the potential damage.

Packing no matter how you look at it can be stressful and time-consuming. Luckily if you hire a mover like Finest Fellas Moving & Storage they can do all the packing for you. Plus, they are insured so should any damage occur, you are covered. Get an estimate today by calling 877-921-1200.

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