What To Pack First When Preparing For A Move

January 31, 2023 |
ben@major-agency.com |
What To Pack First For A Move

Deciding to move is a large undertaking as there are a lot of moving parts with the biggest part of all being for sure the packing. You are now racing against a deadline to get everything out of your home and you don’t know where to begin. It truly can get overwhelming and become very stressful.

Before though you get into it, you should create a moving checklist. Write down categories, give yourself deadline dates, and put them on paper. This way you can always refer to it and never forget anything.

Once that’s complete start packing the least used room as you can continue to live a somewhat regular life with that stuff not being readily available. Perhaps that is a guest room that isn’t used frequently. Start with that and get that all squared away first.

After that move on to the most difficult room as you don’t want to leave that for last. This is usually a master bedroom or kitchen with a lot of loose objects that need to be packed or delicately cared for.

Now that you finished your easy and difficult room, give yourself a much-needed break or reward. This will help you refocus and help you tackle the rest of the house.

From there you will want to pack out-of-season items that you won’t need in the immediate future. Perhaps winter clothes if you are moving in the summer or holiday decorations if you are moving in May. Seasonal items that don’t get utilized year-round should be a priority for some of the first items packed.

Lastly, part of your first phase of packing should include décor and books that are in the homes purely for aesthetic and enjoyment purposes and aren’t necessities for everyday life.

Don’t let the stress of the move get to you. You can always hire a mover like Finest Fellas Moving & Storage that can do all the packing and unpacking for you, so you can worry about the other aspects of the move.

For a quick quote contact us at 877-921-1200 or visit https://finestfellasmoving.com/.

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